The Flying Eagle Formula
A Happy, Confident Son
When we become parents and responsible for a new little person in our family, who among us hasn’t planned or even vowed to give them a better life than we had ? Usually this involves buying them things we never had, taking them places we never experienced as children, providing the kind of enrichment our parents couldn’t provide, and giving advice from the hard lessons we learned and hoping we deliver it well.
And then we send them off.
But what if you could give them something else ? A happy, meaningful and fulfilling future with a happy marriage, success at school, great business relationships, the determination to succeed, and a loving relationship with you?
You can.
By focusing on the ONE thing that drives all other results, you can.
We call it The Flying Eagle Formula.

The Flying Eagle Formula Works!
- Developed over 27 years with over 3,000 boys
- More than 60 years of results to prove it works
- Strategies to use right now in everyday situations
- Effective even when time and opportunity are short
- Transforms parenting, grandparenting, teaching, coaching and mentoring
A child’s entire life path can change when you understand the Formula, why it works, and the simple things you can do to put it in action.
When you use these simple steps, your time with a child, no matter how brief, can build the beliefs that lead to success now and in the future!

A Clear Focus On The One Thing That Matters
Many approaches fail to focus on the one thing that makes the difference. That one thing is the foundational beliefs a boy has about himself. Those beliefs drive all outcomes. Nothing matters more.
What are those foundational beliefs that make the difference?They include:
- People like me;
- My opinion matters and people respect my opinion;
- I can try new things and be successful;
- I can make friends with people I don’t know;
- My life matters and I have a purpose and reason for being here.

A Proven Formula
Why The Formula works and how to put it into daily practice was shared by Tess in her book Swim the Lake Before You Row the Boat: Awaken a Boy’s Success Mindset, Unleash His Confidence and Give Him the Foundation for a Great Life.
Swim Before You Row delivers:
- A formula for taking the steps that create a boy’s success mindset,
- Real-life examples, and
- Practical strategies you can put to work immediately.

You’ll discover:
- Why learning this formula is the BIGGEST needle-mover (even if you think a child is too young or too old);
- How to recognize opportunities everywhere and why the answer isn’t found in expensive private schooling or the latest educational toy;
- The single biggest mistake that holds a boy back (and keeps him from ever achieving the success you want for him);
- Easy-to-do actions and activities that make an immediate difference;
- How to go from hoping you are doing a good enough job to knowing you are focused on the one thing that really matters;
- The right interventions to use to make sure your time with a child, no matter how brief, will have the lasting positive effect that leads to success;
- Why rules can lead to failure; and
- Why what you do is not as important as why you are doing it.