
Highlights from the 2006 Reunion at Camp Flying Eagle

In 2006, the fiftieth anniversary of the purchase of Camp Flying Eagle and twenty-three years after the camp closed, we held a reunion on Alex’s birthday. We followed the camp schedule, did camp activities, had a camp cookout and, because it was his birthday, ate banana splits.
At the end was a Council Fire. Dick Black rang the bell. Former campers lined up in front of the Chow Hall, as they had in times past. They wore their sashes, saved from decades ago and full of the awards they had earned as boys: reminders of success and times of magical fun. Former counselors took their place along the Council Fire path, arms crossed as in days gone by, trying not to smile as campers walked by trying to make them laugh.
We lit the Council Fire and gave out awards, sang camp songs, yelled camp yells, counted echoes and softly sang Taps. Then one by one campers and families left in single file, walking in silence down the Council Fire path. Silent until the moment the toes of their shoes touched the outermost edge of center field. Then everyone ran across the field screaming and yelling as loud as they could.